Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hey Ya'll!

Hey Ya'll!

     First of all I just wanna say thank ya'll for stopping by!

    Now since this is my first ever post I suppose I should let ya'll in on who I am and what exactly we are all doing here. I'm Kala (KAY-luh) and I am a 23 year old southern momma from small town North Carolina, currently stuck in big city Washington state! I've got a loud southern attitude and a whole lot to say, so brace yourselves! (Just kidding..... not really) I am a mother of one very loud little boy and married to my loving wonderful husband.
    We haven't been in Washington too long, still getting used to the way things work here and how different life is on the west coast. The people here are definitely different that's for sure, and they think my thick southern accent is something from outer space! I don't think we would ever willingly move here if the Army didn't send my husband here.

However while i'm here I figure i'd better take my families advice and make the best of this experience! Which brings me here, telling my story to people who may or may not actually care what I or anyone else has to say.

Oddly enough I am currently in school for dentistry but my passion in life is food! Eating it, cooking it, looking at it, I feel like its an outlet where you can be as creative as you want! Normally whatever I cook ends up as a picture on instagram or facebook, and that has always gotten a lot of super positive feedback!

Growing up, life was never stable. I was back and fourth every weekend from mom and dads house, and mom was never that stable herself. I'm not going to go too much into detail with that part but lets just say if it were a movie it would be rated R for violence and foul language. I was diagnosed with chronic depression, anxiety and bulimia all in the same year of high school. Not a single bit of it was easy, and it still isn't to this very day. When you grow up like that, you have to find an outlet for anger, a way to keep yourself busy, something to keep you motivated to move on to the next day and for me that was always expressed through art and cooking.

Obviously I didn't exactly always have the best relationship with food BUT I did my time, and feel like I have recovered enough to live a semi normal life.

What you can expect to see here is my outlet, my diary if you will, and my art (aka lots of food!)

Please keep in mind I am not a professional and all of my recipes come from my past, and adventures in life!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE comfort food!! I hope ya'll enjoy these adventures and please don't hesitate to share your own!!

Now i've gotta go make dinner!

Ya'll come back now ya hear!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found your blog post on a website and thought I'd come check it out! Keep writing because your story may inspire others!
